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Lean Belly 3X Formula Reviews, how to loss your belly fat, lean diet to lose belly fat



I was helping my wife try on the dress she planned on wearing for our daughter's wedding, and when it didn't fit she finally reached her breaking point.

Watching somebody I love so dearly suffer in silence was the worst feeling in the world...

Because no matter how much I showed her love and affection… no matter how much I tried to make her feel beautiful…

She still felt…

Unattractive… Unloved… Insecure… Vulnerable… Alone

It was exactly two months after my best friend and soul mate Karen, a 60-year old grandma from Michigan, was diagnosed with severe ovary damage, causing her to gain almost 30 pounds of menopause-induced belly fat—but not just any type of belly fat

They told her she had excess amounts of a deadly type of fat called Acute Visceral Adipose Tissue—Also Known As AVAT

This stubborn fat is found in the abdominal and belly region in 7 out of 10 Americans and it's now known by the medical community as "DEATH FAT" because it carries such a high risk…

So we knew it could steal away years of Karen's life if we didn't act fast.

What Karen didn't realize at the time is that her aging metabolism was triggering her body to release a fat-storing enzyme that is responsible for the rapid storage of AVAT…

And that was the root cause of her "menopause-belly"…

Which is exactly why I've written this special health bulletin…

To share with the world how Karen's near-death experience with AVAT led to a 10-second morning "fat hack" that was first discovered in Asia back in the 1800s.

This powerful ancient secret blocks this enzyme, STOPPING the storage of "death fat", helping ANY person in their 40s, 50s and 60s repair their aging metabolism—all while torching stored fat cells each day.

A daily fat-burning trick proven to work in dozens of research studies across the globe[1-30] that helped this 60-year old grandma lose 7 pounds in the first 7 days…

Losing a total of 22 pounds of embarrassing belly fat directly from her upper and lower belly region.

Miraculously Transforming Her "Menopause Belly"
From "FLABBY" to FIRM In Less Than 8 Weeks…

Once Karen discovered how easy it could be to stop fat storage using this 10-second morning 

"fat hack" each day she suddenly started to look, feel, and move like she was 10-15 years younger.

All These Unanswered Questions Haunted Her Thoughts Day & Night

All She Ever Heard From Her Mother Her
Whole Life Is How Awful It Is To Be Fat.

And now there she was.

Standing in front of the mirror looking at somebody she doesn't even recognize. A heavy, humid smog of shame consumed her thoughts…

Every time she would try and button up her jeans she could see and feel the excess flab from her lower belly region hanging over top of her pants for the first time in her life…

And it was slowly chipping away at the identity she once had, destroying her confidence and self-esteem…

If You've EVER Felt Insecure, Depressed,
Or Vulnerable Because Of Your Excess
Body Fat, You're NOT Alone…

I personally witnessed Karen go through a living hell with her body, and it placed an unbearable stress on our marriage, so I knew it was NOW or NEVER.

If I didn't help Karen heal her aging metabolism and get rid of her menopause belly fat there was no telling what would happen to her health, our relationship, or our future.

From that day forward I vowed to do WHATEVER it takes to make sure Karen never felt this way again… EVER.

I was on a quest and my only goal was to level the playing field and make her body respond just as easily as younger men and women in their 20s and 30s…

I was determined to find answers, but it seemed like we had already tried everything and all my old tricks weren't working anymore.

Then one spring morning everything changed when I pulled into my driveway and saw a dandelion popping up in my front yard.

I walked over… reached down to pull it out of the ground, and suddenly…

I remembered that day when we left Dr. Chan's office and she gave us that pamphlet with a picture of that little yellow flower from Asia.

So I rushed into the house, ran to our junk drawer, and started rummaging through the pile of junk until I found it.

At this point I was desperate.

I knew I had nothing to lose, so out of curiosity I started devouring every word and that's when I finally discovered the Asian Mortality Advantage, and all the research behind this yellow flower's miraculous benefits.


This is the secret to stabilizing your blood sugar, helping keep your body in "fat-burning mode" all day long…

Just include at least a few of the following foods in your diet…

Whole eggs, Nuts (such as almonds, pecans, walnuts, and cashews), Seeds (such as sunflower seeds and flaxseeds), Avocado, Olive Oil, Fatty Fish (for example, grouper, tuna, salmon, and trout), and Coconut Oil.

For example, egg yolks are loaded with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants (making the myth about only eating egg whites for a flat belly completely false)…

Avocados and olive oil are rich in heart-healthy, health-boosting fatty acids…

Many species of fish are a great source of inflammation-reducing omega-3s…

And coconut oil is a prime source of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), well known for their appetite regulation, energy, and immune benefits.

All Karen did was add these "fattening" foods to her diet and used this 10-second "Fat-Burning Fat Hack" each day to eliminate her insulin resistance, improve overall fat-burning hormone balance, while increasing satiety and feelings of fullness after a meal.

If you're wondering how she did it, in just a few minutes I'll share how you can get a FREE copy of the same 7-day meal plan Karen used in conjunction with this daily fat-burning trick to tighten her trouble spots and banish her belly bloat…

And if she can lose 22 pounds of "death fat" after cancer
forced her into premature menopause so can you!

This #1 fat-burning-fat Karen used to completely transform her body stands head and shoulders above all of the previously mentioned fats in its ability to slim your waist and burn belly fat

And you can get an effective dose in as little as 10 seconds each day, so be sure to stay tuned as we'll reveal exactly what it is and where you find the right type of this special belly-fat-burning fat in just a moment.

This SUPER FAT works in synergy with these fatty foods to burn your stored body fat for fuel each day—STOPPING the storage of AVAT.

That was the 2nd root cause of Karen's belly bloat and excess abdominal fat.  

She was failing to consume enough of this special SUPER FAT found inside that magical yellow flower from Asia and it's called…

Conjugated linoleic acid from the safflower, or CLA for short.

As we've been discussing today, after you turn 40 your aging metabolism starts releasing excessive amounts of lipoprotein lipase, and the specific type of CLA I'll share with you shortly blocks this substance…

This Special SUPER FAT
Increases Your Belly-Fat-Burning
Capacity up to 400%

In other words, this special type of CLA Super Fat sends your stubborn fat cells straight to muscle tissue where it's used for energy…

Eliminating belly bloat and preventing the storage of "death fat"…

Helping any person in their 40s, 50s, and 60s quickly shrink their waistline.

That's all Karen did to completely flatten her "menopause belly" and transform her body in record time.

She simply swapped out all the corn, soy, wheat, and other grain products in her diet with her favorite "fatty", insulin-friendly comfort foods and used this 10-second CLA "fat hack" by taking two capsules with her first and last meal each day.

That's it!

Within one week of using these two simple steps her body started responding just like when she was in her 20s and 30s…

I'll never forget the day… it was just another Friday morning (her day to "weigh in") when Karen startled me out of bed.

"Honey!"  She said excitedly.

 "You're not going to believe this! I just got on the scale and lost 7 pounds and I've only been using that CLA stuff you gave me for 7 days!"

"I'm FINALLY over the hump!"

"What!? I boasted.  "Are you sure?" I replied like I doubted her thinking it was too good to be true.

"Holy crap!" I said in a surprising voice. "That's an average of ONE POUND EACH DAY!"

Karen was so emotional I could see the tears slowly start to well up in her eyes and she started to cry.

"What's wrong?" I said. "You should be excited!" as I gave her a big hug.

She replied, "I feel like my metabolism has been working against me for so long. Seriously Shaun, this is the first time I've been excited about my body in over 3 years."

At that very moment, the tears of joy slowly started rolling down my cheeks,   so I can only imagine how she felt.

The changes Karen experienced over the next few weeks were mind blowing to say the least. 7 pounds of visceral "death fat" GONE in only 7 days…

Losing a total of 22 pounds of "Menopause Belly Fat" in a few short weeks…

Her belly was FLATTER than it was
when she was in her 30s and 40s

And she looked better at 60 than she did when I met her at 44!

It all happened in LESS than 8 weeks of using this 10-second daily fat-burning ritual!

And that was really only the beginning…

Her confidence and self-esteem were finally restored.

Karen was back! The Karen I remember from when we first got married.

She started smiling more. Laughing more. And we started having fun together for the first time in a few years.

The benefits were so remarkable it reignited the intimacy in our marriage and we started making love again for the first time in months.

Thank God!

It was slowly putting a wedge between us and now we were both finally on the same love-making page. What a relief!

Karen was no longer afraid of dying at a young age, or worrying about not seeing our 7 grandchildren grow up.

It felt like a thousand pounds was lifted off my shoulders.

And then there's all the other amazing health benefits she started experiencing from using this CLA Super Fat hack.

  • Her achy, inflamed, painful joints were soothed, renewed, and rendered pain free…
  • Her brain was revitalized with clearer thinking…
  • Her body was rejuvenated with younger looking skin…
  • For the first time in years she started sleeping through the night.
  • The hot flashes, chills, night sweats, mood swings, and weight-gain all disappeared.

It Was Like She Aged BACKWARDS
10 Years In Just A Few Months…

We could both see how it was all part of God's plan…

If I wouldn't have pulled up that dandelion in my front yard a few weeks earlier, this 10-second "fat hack" would not exist and Karen would still be suffering from depression, insulin resistance, and uncontrollable fat-storage.

It's all thanks to that silly pamphlet Dr. Chan handed to us when we were leaving the doctor's office that day.

There were dozens of double-blind, placebo-controlled human studies (the highest standard of research design) showing just how powerful CLA can be for burning stubborn fat.

In fact, my entire identity as a fitness and nutrition expert was turned upside down after reading it, because even my certifications and textbook education never taught me about AVAT…

The first one was published in the Journal of International Medical Research, where 20 participants were either given conjugated linoleic acid or an imposter (in the form of vegetable oil) daily for 12 weeks.

At the end of the study period, the conjugated linoleic acid group lost 20% of their body fat while the placebo group lost no fat at all.[14]

In another double-blind, placebo-controlled human study conducted by renowned Swedish researcher Dr. Annika Smedman, those receiving conjugated linoleic acid lost 400% more fat than the placebo group over the course of 12 weeks

And this was all done without any change in diet and without the implementation of a regular exercise program.[15]

400% Greater Fat Loss!

I thought. Wow. Now this little pamphlet had my attention.

Every study I read showed people who make no changes to their diet or exercise routines, but simply take 10 seconds a few times each day to use this CLA "fat hack" lose significantly more fat directly from their belly and abdominal region…

The next study I read really hit home and grabbed my attention…

This double-blind, placebo-controlled human study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition with more than 175 total participants resulted in the conjugated linoleic acid group losing 8.7% of their total body fat while the placebo group once again GAINED weight.

This cutting-edge research also showed how this special type of CLA from Safflower oil improved blood sugar, cholesterol, and inflammation.

Subjects were asked not to change their diet or exercise routines during the study, further validating the intake of conjugated linoleic acid as the only explanation for the vast difference in results between the two test groups.[17]

If you're a man or woman over 40 this is game-changer because it could literally save your life.

After being in this industry for over 22 years, and witnessing Karen's struggles, my skepticism was still at an all-time high, but the scientific studies seemed never-ending…

A fourth study conducted at the University of Barcelona, Spain measuring the effects of conjugated linoleic acid intake in 60 healthy men and women age 35 to 65 found that subjects receiving conjugated linoleic acid lost significant body fat…

78%  of the body fat lost was directly from the belly region

While the placebo group actually GAINED weight…[16]

Clearly, research shows conjugated linoleic acid to be the #1 fat for burning unwanted belly fat through its unique ability to naturally activate the full fat-burning potential of each fat cell, but here's the problem: 

Dr. Chan's handout said you could only get an effective dose of high quality CLA in one of two ways…

The first way to obtain adequate CLA is from regular consumption of grass fed beef and dairy fats…

However, the scientifically effective amount of conjugated linoleic acid (the daily amount necessary to obtain its belly-fat-burning benefits) is upwards of 2 grams per day…

An amount that makes obtaining this level a virtual impossibility through beef and dairy products alone.[19]

In Order To Get The Research-Backed 2+ Gram Dose Of This SUPER FAT Each Day You Would Have To Stuff Yourself With…

Now it's pretty obvious the excess calories would far outweigh all the evidence-based fat-burning benefits of CLA…

It would be next to impossible to consume this much food each day.

Not to mention the extraordinary expenses.

Fortunately there's a much easier way…

You can get the same scientifically-effective level of 2+ grams
of Conjugated Linoleic Acid daily in the form of an easy-to-take
capsule that fights belly fat…

And the rest of that stubborn fat around your body…

WITHOUT having to choke down pounds of beef and dairy products each and every day?

And what if you could do it along with the addition of another ingredient to increase your results 60% beyond what conjugated linoleic acid is able to provide by itself?

Is that something you might be interested in?

Well, that's exactly what Dr. Chan helped us do.

But before we could share this fat-burning breakthrough formula with the people we loved and cared about, we wanted to make 100% sure it would work for both men and women over 40…

So after Karen's amazing body transformation, I decided to put this fat-burning-fat to the test on my own body to further validate its effectiveness…

Now admittedly, I do have over 20 years of extensive education and experience on how to get lean…

However, I've NEVER seen my body respond as quickly as it did using this CLA "fat hack"…

After 10 Weeks Of Using This
10-Second "Fat Hack" My Body Fat Reached Its Lowest Levels EVER—At 48 Years Old

In fact, the results were so unbelievable, people actually accused me of photoshopping my pictures…

And all I did was follow the same 2 easy steps Karen used…

First, I prevented insulin-spikes by avoiding any type of food with corn, grains, wheat, soy, or sugar at least 5 days per week and replaced them with the list of "fatty" foods we discussed earlier by using our 7-Day Fat Burning Meal Plan (we'll share how to get a free copy of this in just a second).

This is the first step to keeping your body in a fat-loss environment each day.

Second, I simply used this 10-second "super fat hack" by taking 2 capsules of CLA with my first and last meal of the day to "turn off" the enzyme that stores fat cells just like Karen did.

Just follow these 2 easy steps and you'll STOP the storage of AVAT,
while increasing your body's fat burning capacity 400%.

It's really that simple.

Then… in order to keep our fat-burning hormones optimized… we intentionally enjoyed cheat meals, desserts, and red wine every weekend… without fat-storage.

After we both saw such incredible results, we were on a mission to share this fat-burning secret with the world so we teamed up with Dr. Chan.

You see, in addition to being a board certified oncologist and publishing her own research papers in the prestigious Journal of Clinical Oncology, she's also been studying eastern medicine and nutrition for over 17 years to help her patients live better, fitter, healthier lives.

What Impressed Us Most About Dr. Chan Was Her Unwavering Commitment To Helps Us Find The Highest Quality, Potency, & Pure CLA Formula Available…

Before Karen and I could even start taking this breakthrough formulation she let us know there were two secrets that made this particular type of CLA so powerful and effective at stopping fat-storage, stabilizing blood sugar, reducing inflammation, and improving blood lipids…

The first secret is that it must include both the c9-t11 isomer and the c10-t12 isomer.

These are the only 2 CLA SUPER FAT isomers proven to block lipoprotein-lipase and burn fat from directly from the belly and abdominal region—stopping the storage of AVAT. [27,28]

This is critically important because research has shown the powerful fat-burning effects of conjugated linoleic acid, along with its flawless safety record, can only be realized when both of these isomers are equally present in a 1:1 ratio.[27,28]

But what if we could make this fat-blasting CLA isomer combo of super fats even MORE powerful?

What if we could take if from an incredible research-backed formula to a supplement so potent that it stands alone in a class above and beyond any supplement of its kind for people in their 40s, 50s, or 60s?

Well, that's exactly what Dr. Chan helped us do by adding certified BioPerine® to an already extremely effective formula…

You see, this patented black pepper extract has been shown
to enhance absorption of CLA by up to 60%.[24]

By combining both isomers of conjugated linoleic acid with BioPerine® you get the best of both worlds—meaning 60% more belly-fat-burning power in only 10 seconds a few times each day.

And it's only available together as part of our ultra-advanced formula.

But there was still one last problem we had to solve to make this superior formulation worth your time, effort and investment.

All the private labeling companies we considered using were cutting corners and providing cheaper, adulterated, inferior types of CLA that don't include both isomers or the patented BioPerine.®

This is a common practice used by 95% of all supplement companies called "fairy dusting."

It's when a company sprinkles popular ingredients into a product in miniscule amounts that are nothing more than window dressing…

A waste of your time and money.

In our minds that's unacceptable, so we decided to use our own company, Beyond 40, to source the highest quality combination of CLA containing the 1:1 ratio of the c9-t11 and the c10-t12 isomers.

A few months later, our formulation was finally completed and together with BioPerine® we call this dynamic trio of fat-fighting super fats…

LeanBelly 3X

When You Take These Three Scientifically Backed Ingredients Together—It Can Give You A "Lean Belly" 3X FASTER Than Diet And Exercise Alone…

We exclusively use the same research-backed 1:1 ratio in LeanBelly 3X™, at the same exact levels shown to be effective in research, further ensuring that what you get with Beyond 40 LeanBelly 3X is exactly what science shows WORKS.

Essentially, by combining both research-backed
CLA isomers with BioPerine® you get several scientifically-backed benefits…

  • Decreased fat-storage (and AVAT) by blocking lipoprotein lipase via conjugated linoleic acid
  • Increased fat-burning by way of BioPerine®
  • Fights against diabetes by controlling blood sugar
  • Limits artery plaque buildup to protect yourself from heart disease
  • Made with natural ingredients
  • NO artificial flavors, colors, preservatives, stimulants, or gluten particles of any kind

And unlike every other company out there pushing cheap versions of tainted CLA that don't include both isomers and provide 60% LESS absorption because they don't contain BioPerine®…

EVERY batch of LeanBelly 3X™ is tested by third party labs so you know what's listed on the label is actually inside the bottle—guaranteeing only the highest quality, purity, and potency available.

You'll also be happy to know that if you have other problem area fat storage across your body…

Such as fat deposits on your hips, thighs, arms, and back—this specialized formula of super fats works to trim down those areas just as well as it does your troublesome belly fat.

Now, admittedly, that's a lot of science and real world proof, but the take-home point to remember is pretty simple: 

LeanBelly 3X™ works with your body's natural biology to increase fat-burning and reduce fat storage, without any harmful stimulants. 

Yep, that's right: burn more fat and store less fat.

And even better, LeanBelly 3X couldn't be any easier to benefit from:

Just take 2 capsules with your first meal of the day and 2 more with dinner and let science do the rest.

Imagine… In Just 10 Seconds A Few Times Each Day & You'll Be Able To Use The Same Proven Formula Karen And I Both Used To Help Us Transform Our Bodies In Record Time

At this point, you're probably wondering how you can obtain LeanBelly 3X for yourself, along with the price for such a breakthrough, quality formula… both great questions.

Because we only use premium ingredients and honest, research-backed levels of each ingredient in LeanBelly 3X, combined with the cost of 3rd party purity testing and only the highest quality GMP-certified manufacturing facilities…

The cost to produce LeanBelly 3X is 400% to 500% higher than many of the low-quality, ineffective, and questionable dietary supplements available on the market today.

Beyond that, science shows the ingredients in LeanBelly 3X actually work, at the precise levels included in this revolutionary formula, and we stand behind that claim like literally no other supplement does or ever will.

What do I mean?

Simply put, we are so incredibly confident that you will significantly flatten your belly, improve your health, and increase your energy as a result of using of LeanBelly 3X, so much so that we back each and every bottle of LeanBelly 3X with our state-of-the-art, industry-leading 60-Day Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee.

I want you to do me a favor:

Think about all the money you've spent, and all the valuable time you've wasted over the years, on so-called weight-loss and flat belly "solutions" that did nothing but leave you frustrated and disappointed. 

It's annoying to think how much time and money Karen and I wasted over the years and I'm sure you can relate.

Now, how much would something that actually works—a true solution that finally helps to put an end to your belly fat struggles once and for all—be worth to you?

$1000? $500?

Heck, I'm sure you've probably spent at least that much over the years without much in the way of results to show for it just like we have.

And while we are guaranteeing your satisfaction with Beyond 40 LeanBelly 3X, obtaining access to this true fat-blasting and waist-slimming solution isn't going to cost you $1000 or $500. 

In fact, it's not $400, $300, or even $200; although I'm sure you'd agree that finally losing your unwanted, unattractive belly fat without the pain and suffering of more wasted time, effort, and money would be completely worth that price.

Instead, the normal price you would pay today for a 30-day supply of LeanBelly 3X is just $97.

But you know what? 

Karen and I want to make this even better for you.

Because you showed us, and yourself, that you are committed to ridding yourself of excess flab and improving your health, or you wouldn't have read all about our real-life story…

If you order right now we're going to reward you with a 30-day supply of LeanBelly 3X for just $59…

And here's the best part: when you choose to invest in our most popular 90-day supply package, or our "best deal" 180-day supply package, we're going to give you an additional, sizable discount on top of today's already reduced price.

That said…

We're only able to guarantee this price
until our current inventory runs out…

Because the price for the premium raw ingredients contained in LeanBelly 3X is constantly changing due to supply and demand, causing our pricing to be stringently re-evaluated with each subsequent production run… another reason why stocking up and saving today is a smart option.

And by the way, that's not marketing hype; that's the cold, hard, honest truth.

It's also important to know…

LeanBelly 3X is the only product in the world to contain
this specialized formula of premium triglyceride-form conjugated linoleic acid…

Which means the research proven levels are found in the same exact ratio science has shown to be effective—along with premium and patented absorption-boosting BioPerine®.

Furthermore, to protect you from fake knock-offs and to offer you the lowest possible price (by cutting out all the middlemen), please know that the ONLY place you can buy real LeanBelly 3X is direct through Beyond 40, right here on this website.

PLUS: When You Make The Intelligent Decision To Take Delivery Of LeanBelly 3X Today, You'll Also Get Instant Access To Our FREE Fat-Burning Meal Plan Bonus ($29 Value)

Just select your money-saving package below right now, and we'll also include the same 7-Day Fat Burning Meal Plan Karen and I both used to lose all our stubborn fat, while using LeanBelly 3X

Although you can still experience amazing results using LeanBelly 3X following ANY healthy diet…

This will give you a step-by-step blueprint specifically designed to work in synergy with LeanBelly 3X including…

  • How to time your meals properly to BOOST Growth Hormone 400-1200%
  • How to properly combine your foods in each meal to fight insulin resistance and keep your body in "fat-burning" mode…
  • How to optimize your fat-burning hormones each week by strategically adding High-Carb Cheat-Meals, Desserts, and Alcohol to your diet with ZERO fat-storage…

Every strategy is designed for the aging metabolism of adults OVER 40 to live longer, look younger, and burn more stubborn fat.  

And while your results are guaranteed when you use LeanBelly 3X in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle, this bonus will ensure you have everything you need to succeed.

Beyond all these added benefits, because LeanBelly 3X is not available through any third-party website or retail store, this also ensures you will be taken care of directly by our premium in-house customer care team (and not a lesser-quality third-party). 

In fact, our world-class level of service is known to stand head and shoulders above the rest of the industry…

A big reason why Beyond 40 has an impeccable track record.

So, provided LeanBelly 3X is still in stock, you'll see your package options below—with 3 money-saving options for you to choose from.

If it says "temporarily sold out", you can contact our customer care department (support(at) and they'll be happy to add you to our back-order notification list.

If you do see those 3 options below, however, make sure to secure your order today while we still have availability and are able to offer the current pricing.

Here's exactly what to do:

Simply choose your money-saving package below
and then click the yellow "Add to Cart" button
to reserve your discounted order of LeanBelly 3X
and proceed to our 256-bit secure order page.





















And don't worry; your order information is 100% safe and secure

We use the same online security system as trusted companies like

When you choose to invest in LeanBelly 3X today, we're also going to include our free copy of the same 7-Day Fat Burning Meal Plan Karen and I both used during our transformations. 

You've already seen the science proving this formula targets fat directly from the belly and abdominal region WITHOUT changing your diet or exercise habits[15]

But we also know using our proven meal plan ensures you have everything you need to maximize your results from using LeanBelly 3X.

This is another $29 value, but we're including it with your purchase today 100%FREE.

And if that wasn't enough, you'll also receive FREE email support from our team of trained health and nutrition coaches to make certain every aspect of your flat belly transformation is fully supported…

Just one more way we assure your success at Beyond 40 with our industry-leading team of experts.

Now, as you can probably tell, at Beyond 40 we do things a LOT differently than the majority of companies in the nutritional supplement industry. 

You see, instead of our wallets, our number one priority is you.

Your results and making sure you are taken great care of, which is why I want to take a moment to reiterate our guarantee to you:

When You Use LeanBelly 3X You Will Be Thrilled With The Results Or Your Money Back

We know it works, and so do the thousands of happy LeanBelly 3X customers worldwide.

After all, as we've shared with you today…

The ingredients we've included in LeanBelly 3X are shown through top-rated, peer-reviewed research to dramatically increase your body's ability burn fat while also decreasing its ability to store fat…

A second-to-none winning combination when it comes to achieving your flattest stomach in record time.

At the same time, as a first-time LeanBelly 3X user, you have yet to experience those results, and we understand that you may still be a little skeptical.

After all, you may have even tried other weight loss products with little to no results due to other companies using cheap ingredients, cheap manufacturing, and inferior, unscientific formulas not backed by research. 

Of course, that couldn't be further from who Beyond 40 is, or what our products deliver, but the fact still remains:

You work hard for every penny you earn and you deserve to know your purchase is fully protected—and it is—by our 60-Day Unconditional Money Back Guarantee.

Simply put, that means you can try LeanBelly 3X today, and if at any point over the next 8 weeks you feel LeanBelly 3X isn't for you, for any reason whatsoever, you can get a prompt, courteous, unconditional refund of even empty bottles by calling our customer support team at 800-292-4270…

You can also use the quick contact form on our website or email us at:

Our contact information will be on your receipt and we're very easy to get a hold of.

Just choose your discounted package below
and start burning fat FASTER today.





















Well, here we are.

The left side is a road that leads to more disappointment, frustration, weight gain, and further health risk as more and more belly fat entraps your body, firmly grabbing hold of every aspect of your life.

As you travel this road, you'll continually struggle with unsuccessful bouts of dieting and exhausting exercise…

All for seemingly nothing, as the reading on the scale and the image in the mirror only continue to fall further and further away from your goals, despite all your efforts.

Your health and energy will continue to decline as your waist expands and your self-esteem decreases…

And even worse than the devastating consequences this road will have on you, your physical health, and your emotional well-being is the heavy toll this unfortunate path will ultimately take on your family, your loved ones, and all those closest to you as they watch your health deteriorate and your potential go unrealized.

But it doesn't have to be this way.

You see, there lies that other road…

A road where you are in total control of your metabolism, your waistline, and ultimately your fat loss destiny.

On this road, the journey to a flatter belly is a much more enjoyable one, stress- and care-free…

Knowing that the smooth, firm ground you walk on has been paved by the hundreds of hours of research we've already done on your behalf.

It's the same road Karen and I are finally on together and it's the only road that brings you closer to your new body and a firmer mid-section with each passing day…

Burning belly fat and producing the consistent, visually noticeable, motivating results that leave you feeling unstoppable with each and every step you take.

Until One Day, Not Too Far Off You'll Be Looking Back
In The Mirror & Realizing The Body That Was Once
Your Dream Body Is Now YOUR Body

As a nutrition expert and fitness professional who has dedicated my life to helping others, it is my genuine hope that this path is the direction you choose and experience, and I know it's the path that you also desire for yourself.

So now's your chance…

Your one opportunity to forgo your past and get started today toward a new, bright future where you're once again in the driver's seat, taking full control of your body, your waistline, and your life.

I speak for Karen and the entire Beyond 40 Team when I say that we couldn't be more excited to work with you and help you along the new path that you are choosing today.  We're incredibly proud of you, and we want you to know that we'll be here for you, with you, every step of the way.

So make it a great day. 

Just select your money-saving package below and then click the "Add to Cart" button to secure your discounted purchase of LeanBelly 3X and get started toward your new future, your new body, and your new, slimmer waistline, right now.





















Lean Belly 3x - review The Newest Commission Crusher Has Arrived On


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