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Bioptimizers - Top Selling Digestive Supplements Review


  • Are you taking over 100 grams of protein per day... from shakes, supplements,

     and food...but you're not making the gains you expect?

  • Do you ever feel bloated, gassy, and maybe even get the runs after downing a

     protein shake?

  • Do you want to increase the useable amount of protein in your body? 

    I'm talking about protein that gets digested, enters into your bloodstream 

    and helps grow bigger, stronger muscle fibers.

  • Perhaps you’ve tried protein digestive aids, but I assure you: with this 

    NEW nutrient, you’ll transform your protein digestion, gut health and 

    ability to extract as much as 66% MORE key muscle-building amino 

    acids from every bite of protein you consume!

I apologize if my headline is "bad science". Of course, you can't turn 1 gram 

of protein into 3 grams (unless you're The Wizard Of Protein or something).

 However, most people only absorb a small fraction of the protein they eat.

And with a special blend of proprietary ingredients, you can breakdown

 200% more protein into amino acids PLUS absorb over 50% more of those 

amino acids. So it's truly like turning 1 gram into 3 grams when you compare

 it with someone who isn't using this formula.

This Breakthrough Nutrient Is Called AstraZyme

™—and Paired with the Industry’s Strongest 

Protein-Digesting Enzyme Formula— Takes

 Your Muscle-Building to the Next Level!



AstraZyme™ is a proprietary all natural plant derived compound extracted from

 Panax ginseng and Astragalus using a proprietary processing technology.

It has been proven in twelve In vitro studies to significantly enhance the

 absorption of many important nutrients — up to 66% more in certain cases —

 including key amino acids, such as arginine, citrulline, and tryptophan... 

vitamins, such as folate... joint-protecting nutrients like glucosamine... and many more.

AstraZyme™ works by up-regulating protein transport on a DNA level, meaning

 it helps increase the amount of amino acids, glucose, vitamins, and other 

nutrients entering your intestinal cells.

Once inside the cells, these nutrients are transported by the liver to your muscles.

This is key: those nutrients that do not make it to your intestinal cells will

 be flushed down the drain.

That’s the bad news. The good news is, MassZymes 3.0—the world’s strongest 

 protein-digesting enzyme for accelerated muscle-building—NOW has

 AstraZyme™ for even more potency and benefits.


We've All Been Sold A 10 Lb Jug Of "The Protein Lie"

Starting in the 80’s, supplement companies began pushing massive protein

 consumption. We all believed that “MORE PROTEIN = 


I’m here to tell you that IT’S A BIG FAT LIE.

Let’s say you eat an 8 oz chicken breast. You’re consuming about

 40 grams of protein.

However -- just because something contains 40 grams of protein…

 it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re gonna absorb all 40 grams

Without enzymes, most of it ends up in your toilet bowl.

This is because your small intestine can only absorb protein that’s

 been broken down into smaller building blocks -- called amino acids.

protein shakes
















Here's the biggest from the industry: You need more protein to build more 

muscle. The truth has been hidden away until now. Keep reading below.

Absorption Is Everything...How To Increase 

The Bioavailability Of Your Protein

Potent enzymes called proteases break down protein into absorbable,

 anabolic amino acids… which are what your muscles require for

 recovery and growth.

It doesn’t matter if you’re consuming 30 grams of protein… or 300 grams 

of protein -- if you don’t have a sufficient supply of enzymes to digest

  the protein, your muscles will be starving for those vital building blocks.

A great enzyme formula contains various proteases that work at different

 pH levels. This ensures that the protein gets broken down into amino

 acids at every stage of digestion.

Crank Your Anabolic Drive To New Heights

 By Flooding Your Muscles With Maximum

 Amino AcidsWithout Increasing Your Protein 

Intake By A Single Gram

Now that you understand the power of enzymes, it’s no mystery why

 I can easily build muscle mass by eating only 85 grams of vegetarian

 protein a day.

If you’re eating meat, fish and eggs, enzymes are even more crucial because

 every time you eat cooked food, your body withdraws enzymes from your 

enzyme bank account” to digest the meal.

The more cooked food you eat (this includes almost every protein powder)

 -- the worse it gets.

The enzymes get drained faster and faster… leading to digestive nightmares.

 All this undigested protein leads to a disgusting caked up intestinal tract

 that blocks amino acid absorption.

If you’re dropping toilet bombs that peel the paint off the gym walls, t


 you KNOW there’s a serious problem going on in your gut.

The truth is: if you’re not using enzymes -- you’ve got a serious handicap

 when it comes to putting on lean muscle mass. You’re lucky if you’re 

absorbing 40% of the protein from your food.

masszymes digesting meat















If you're eating meat, fish, and eggs... enzymes are even more

 crucial for you.

Science Has Shown Proteolytic Enzymes 

Speed Up Recovery…So You Can Hit The 

Gym Harder And Grow Faster


Exercise scientists have published some remarkable research about

 proteolytic enzymes in the past decade.

Most notably, a study by Beck et al in 2007 demonstrated a

 “statistically significant” difference in recovery time between 

subjects given proteolytic enzymes… and subjects given a placebo.

“Statistically significant” is critical -- because it means the results 

were real, and didn’t occur due to random chance or the placebo effect.

Here’s what happened: the men in the study were given strength

 tests throughout a two week period…

At the end of the study, the group given the proteolytic enzymes was able

 to produced greater overall force with their muscle, leading the experimenters

 to conclude recovery was quicker.

KEEP THIS IN MIND: faster recovery = more time and opportunity for 

muscle growth.

We Partnered With The Top Enzyme Scientists

 In The World And Created The First Ever Enzyme 

Formula Specifically Designed For Weightlifters, 

Bodybuilders And Athletes

My partner and I, worked hand-in-hand with the formulators to create 



We told them to jam as much protease as possible inside each capsule.

The genius scientist we worked with suggested we combine 5 

different kinds of the strongest proteases.

They warned us, it would be VERY EXPENSIVE to produce.

They asked us over and over again, "Are you sure you want this much of the key

 ingredients in it? We can cut them back to reduce the cost."

Each time, we said: NO!

We didn’t care about the cost.

Forget half ass formulas that don’t work.

Our goal was simply to create the greatest enzyme supplement ever,

 regardless of the cost.

We went “ALL IN”...

The result?

We're ecstatic to announce that we have developed the strongest

 protease enzyme formula ever: Masszymes.

That is NOT hype.

Our formula contains 100,000 HUTs of protease per capsule

 There’s not a single enzyme formula on the market that can compare. 

We literally looked at every enzyme label we could find and they all came up short.

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